Tag: staffing

Direct Hire: A Game-Changer for MBA Graduates

January 26, 2024 in Job resources


A startling stat from a 2023 study reveals that 68% of full-time MBA students don’t have a job waiting for them after graduation. This comes in the wake of major layoffs in tech, consulting, and finance – industries that traditionally are hotspots for MBA recruitment. This shift has put a lot of pressure on new […]


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Contingent Staffing vs Retained Staffing: Which One Should You Use?

January 3, 2024 in Staffing resources


Looking into staffing options? You’ll find two main types: Contingent and Retained staffing. You’ve probably heard of these before, but what do they really mean? And more importantly, which one is right for your business? Here’s a straightforward explanation to help you make a smart and informed decision. The key differences are the tactics these […]


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